Full List of Officers and Sailors on the USS Boston during WWII

Abbatantuono, Frank J Abell, Walter Henry Abernethy, John Robert Abramovic, Stanley Paul Adam, Albert
Adams, Charles Adams, Dale Claris Adams, Howard Gene Adams, Richard Stuart Adams, Robert Milton
Adduci, George P Adkins, Orgie Adkins, Raymond A Ager, William Keith Ahnstedt, Bruce W
Akerman, Phillip Andrew Alaimo, Francesco F Albano, Philip (none) Albertson, Albert Joseph Albright, James C
Alcorn, Loyd Alden, John L Alexander, Robert Alexander, William M Allen, Jesse D
Allen, Kenneth D Allen, Louie E Allen, Merlin Stewart Allen, Ray Mont Allinson, George Reginald
Almon, Lester Grant Altobello, Joseph Alvarez, Manuel Valdez Alverstad, Roy L Ambrose, Roland Edward
Ambugey, Lewis C Amerson, John B Amick, Frank William Amos, William R Anderson, Billy Gene
Anderson, Carl Edward Anderson, Charles Robert Anderson, Charles N Anderson, Cliford Russell Anderson, David E
Anderson, Frank S Anderson, George T Anderson, George Jr L Anderson, Jack Anderson, James Walter
Anderson, Oscar Jr Anderson, Otis M Anderson, Richard B Anderson, Sherman Leroy Anderson, Ted Beebe
Anderson, Thomas E Anderson, William Jesse Andjeski, Andrew Anthony Andrasani, John Andreta, Edmund Henry
Angel, Earl Angel, Lewis jr. Claude Angelini, Samuel J Angell, John Bernard Annesi, Charles John
Annis, Edward C Anselmo, John Jr. Joseph Appier, Johnie Edward Archbold, Robert Archer, Evans Franklin
Archer, Joseph Harry Ardison, Lawrence jr. Henry Armstrong, Arthur David Arndt, Harold Julius Arrant, Leonard D
Arsenault, Harold Arthur Arthur, George Willard Arthur, William Eugene Asai, Philip E Ash, Roy
Assunto, John Jr Atkin, Frederick A Atkins, Raymond Atkinson, Clifford Atteo, Patrick J
Atterberry, Willie Aubuchon, Francis August Augaitis, Anthony M Auresicchio, Carmine Anthony Austin, Clyde N Jr.
Austin, Jesse Jr R Austin, William Louis Averett, Eugene W Averrett, Jack Jr C Aversa, Samuel Louis
Babusci, Jake Leo Bachmann, Frank M Back, Alvin "D" Bacon, William Jr O Bahr, Joseph (none)
Bailey, Charles Roy Bailey, John Orville Bailey, Lawrence R Bailey, Talmadge P Bain, Murray Gibbs
Bairy, Donald Walter Baker, James Lewis Baker, James Thary Baker, James Collet Baker, Joseph Sampson
Baldwin, Berton Duane Balfour, Arthur James Balint, John Ball, Stuart M Ball, William Page
Ballance, Myron R Ballard, Edward H Ballard, Lonnie Dean Balmer, David Joseph Bandelin, William Charles Fred
Bang, George A Banks, William Lee Baratti, Johnnie Leo Barbara, Michael Angelo Barber, Lawrence Albert
Barber, Myron Warren Barbosa, Milward J Barendse, Donald Eugene Baril, Paul Roland Barkauskas, Albert
Barlesi, Leo John Barlow, James A Barlow, Lester E Barnett, Leroy Barnwell, Lester E
Barrazotto, John Vincent Barrientos, Rafael Barron, Norman Charles Barron, William E Barrow, Richard P
Barry, Daniel Walter Barthin, Edward Michael Bartkovsky, Joseph Albert Bartlett, Worth K Barto, Michael
Barton, William Wyatt Basler, Andrew Paul Bassett, Ivan Everrett Bassett, Kenneth W Bassford, Norval Earl
Bassham, James A Bastianelli, Benjamin Jr Batchelor, Glenn F Bateman, Norman R Bates, Charles Clifford
Bates, William Pinkney Bates, William Jr T Bath, Henry Batiste, William Joseph Bauer, Leo Aloysius
Bavender, William L Beale, Miles R Beam, Forrest Sulvester Beaman, Arthur Reed Beardsley, Russell Neal
Bearse, Frederick Holmes Beauchesene, Leo Lucien Beauregard, Fredrick Laurence Beck, Ackert (n) Beckom, "J" "D"
Bedard, Norman Ellie Bedard, Norman Joseph Bedford, Paul Jr Lawrence Behnke, William E Belcher, Cecil Wayne
Belden, Edward W Bell, Arthur Roland Bell, Arthur Bell, Lancer E Bell, Ralph
Bellantuono, V J Bellerby, Kenneth H Bellini, Anthony Albert Bellon, Victor Jr Belmonte, Frank
Benedict, Floyd Jr Leslie Bennett, Guy Bennett, Willis LaVerne Benoit, Roland Louis Bensen, Earl J
Bentley, Charles Ernest Bergman, Eldo W Bergmann, Melvin A Bergquist, Robert W Berk, Harold Manley
Berkenstock, Randell Lynn Berkey, Kenneth Wade Berkheimer, Edward Franklin Bernier, Donald Paul Berry, Andrew Jackson
Berry, Grover Jr C Berry, James Edward Berry, James Lyle Berry, James Jr Griffith Berry, Mark Anthony
Berthold, Authur Carl Bertone, Francis G Besemer, Edwin Cornelias Bessette, Gaston Maurice Bessey, James Jr E
Betts, Ralph Jr R Beurskens, John Jacob Bialek, Edward Biehl, Ralph P Biller, Donald R
Billig, Arthur Henry Bisacca, Peter George Bisch, John J Bishop, Edward Harry Bishop, Floyd Theron
Bishop, John Coulter Bittner, Robert George Bjerkan, Lester Louis Blaaun, Nicholas Henry Black, Eldridge Mirl
Black, Robert Roland Black, Robert William Black, William C Blackburn, Charles R Blacketer, Earl Jack
Blackwell, Marvin Blair, Richard Henry Blake, George Hartzel Blakesley, Charles Lester Blankenship, Dean Buard
Blaseo, Bernard A Blevins, William Francis Bliss, Howard C Bliss, John Edward Francis Block, Paul Frank
Blondin, Claude W Blood, Milo Carlton Bloom, Frank W Blough, Eugene Henry Blough, Walter Boyd
Blount, Leslie Arlie Blumer, Roy Fleet Bobko, Joseph F Bochinski, John Stephen Bode, William August
Boehn, Frank Robling Boenigk, James John Boese, Harold Lloyd Boff, Raymond Arthur Bogan, William M
Boggeln, Fredrick Edwin Bogues, John Joseph Bohannan, Jesse Earl Bohensky, Walter Stanley Boisse, Victor Eugene
Boles, Evart Lee Bolles, Edgar Max Bolton, Murry Bomar, Paul Jr Yell Bonadio, Francis Anthony
Bonali, Remo Santo Bond, Cecil James Bonham, James Ellsworth Bonnel, William Clarence Boognl, Albert H
Booker, Samuel "D" Booth, Elmer Edward Booth, Lloyd Boothe, Norman Bopp, Carl Eugene
Borcik, Walter William Bordeau, George Clement Borek, Stanley James Boring, Charles John Bork, Fredrick Arthur
Borschel, Richard W Borst, Lyle H Bortone, Caesar Anthony Boryc, Irvin John Boswell, Orval Elza
Botelho, Rudolph Both, Clifford Henry Bottom, Emory Rodney Bouchard, Frank Xavier Boucher, Albert A
Boucher, Herbert Edward Bouray, Felix David Bowe, Joseph William Bowen, James William Bowen, Leonard E
Bowen, Ralph Robert Bower, Wilson Lawrence Bowers, Joe William Bowles, Vernon Doyle Bowman, Alexander M
Bowren, Hershel Darrow Boyd, Dale E Boyd, Harlan McGuire Bozeman, Carey J Bozeman, Claude E
Bracey, William Brackin, Bill Gene Bradbury, Donald L Bradley, Robert Evans Bradshaw, Henry Garry
Brady, Osborne Jr Hunt Brancato, Albert Brandon, Forrest Woodrow Brauchler, Jacob Philip Brault, Robert Joseph
Bravence, John Jr Bray, Kenneth Clare Brazell, Hugh Heflin Brea, Edgar David Breton, Andrew William
Bridges, R Jr. C Broadstreet, Glenn McLeod Bronson, Jack Brooks, George Otha Brooks, James Jr H
Brower, Donald Harry Brown, Arnold Lee Brown, Arthur Marshall Brown, Daniel Carlyle Brown, Kenyth Harris
Brown, Melvin Jr Brown, Neal Mack Brown, Paul A Brown, Thomas Arthur Brown, William Vincent
Brown, William Delbert Brown, William Benjamin Bruce, James Blaine Bruchbacker, A C Bruening, Robert D
Bruner, John Kenneth Brunson, William Odell Bryan, Glenn C Bryan, John W Bryan, Johnny James
Bryant, John E Bubb, John Oliver Buchanan, Hugh Buchas, Edward Joseph Buckland, Orie
Buckner, Harold Edwin Buie, William Marshall Bull, George Jr Newton Bullard, Neal Jewell Bullock, Byron A
Bullock, Jackie F Bumgarner, James E Burak, John Nicholas Burchardt, Raymond Edward Burdette, Winfield R
Burgdorf, Douglas Bruce Burkbead, George E Burke, John Corwin Burlingame, David L Burnett, Edwin Allen
Burnett, Harold K Burnham, Joe "J" Burns, George Henry Burns, Richard T J Burns, Robert R
Burns, Stanley Bernard Burr, Elmer J Burritt, John Lockwood Burrows, Cleon Lyle Burshem, Jack A
Burt, William Lee Burton, Roy Charles Bush, Howard Edward Buske, Russell W Bustard, Don Fermin
Butcher, Richard T Butler, James Clay Buzzini, Edwin August Byrne, Edward Joseph Byrnes, Frank Jr. F
Cabral, Joseph James Cackler, Olin Kenneth Caffrey, Gerald Joseph Cahill, James Jr Boyd Caires, Robert Douglas
Caldwell, Frank Edward Caldwell, Harry Leslie Caldwell, John Burns Caldwell, Joseph Edward Caldwell, Walter W
Calfee, Alston Bernard Caliguiri, Anthony Thomas Calisto, Joseph Peter Callahan, George Ernest Callaway, William F
Calligan, Rex James Calvino, John Nicholas Calvo, Justin Joseph Camini, Robert Louis Camp, Marvin DeHaven
Campagna, Allen Aloysious Campbell, Fred Clayton Campbell, Harry Melvin Campbell, William B Canaby, Bobby E
Cannady, Stephen Joel Cannon, Edward D Capo, Anthony John Cappuccio, Joseph Francis Caraway, Cecil L
Card, Donald Francis Cardona, Manuel E Carey, Chester Fred Carlisle, Alcho Jackson Carlson, Albert Stephen
Carlson, Frank E Carlson, Roger M Caron, William Henry Carpenter, Leslie Rue Carper, Joe Bill
Carran, Chester Jr Irving Carrasquillo, Ralph J Carreon, Edward L Carrier, Marcel Felix Carrier, Wilfred Jr
Carriere, Charles Carrino, Carmine Anthony Carroll, Frank Daniel Carroll, George R Carroll, John Joseph
Carroll, Walter Roland Carson, Frank Carson, John Hazard Carter, Glen Archie Carter, James Thomas
Carter, James Essen Carter, William Lensie Carvotta, John Victor Casey, Ralph E Castagna, Albert B
Castanon, William Rodrigues Castellone, Thomas Anthony Caston, John Jr A Castro, Alfred Richard Castro, Valentine
Catanese, Salvatore Sam Cawthron, Harold Lee Cearlock, Ralph Anthony Cerullo, Frank Antonio Chalut, Milton Roger
Chambers, Milton William Chandler, Donald Everett Chaney, Sylvester John Chaney, Walter Jr Durwood Chapman, Earl Duane
Charles, Edward William Charlton, Ivron James Charron, Francis A Chatman, Warren Washington Cheever, John W
Cheever, Warren Harding Cheshier, Willis Thornton Childs, Lloyd Darrell Chilson, Charles James Chinberg, Garfield Henry
Chirico, Michael Albert Choate, William R Cholminski, Valentine Maryan Chrisos, Charles Costa Christensen, J E
Christian, Virgil A Christner, Alfred Roy Christoforo, Albert Chucko, Stanley Edward Chulik, George Anthony
Cipriani, Julius Francis Cisek, Joseph George Clark, Charles Joseph Clark, Eldridge Hill Clark, Henry D
Clark, James Joseph Clark, Jesse Williard Clark, Robert Dee Clarkson, William D Claxton, Edward T
Clemenson, Robert Jr Clement, Earl Dean Cleveland, Giles P Clifton, Paul Clifford Close, Robert Jr Leo
Cloutier, Robert Joseph Clow, Daniel Alec Cobb, Charles Robert Coble, Adam M Cochensparger, T M
Cochran, James C Cochrane, Robert Coffee, Charles W Coffey, John Albert Coffield, Oscar Jr C
Coffland, Charlie Wendell Cofield, Richard "B" Coger, Olen Paul Coggins, Warren "G" Cohea, Arnold David
Cohick, Owen Jr William Coker, Douglas Frederick Cole, Howard Preston Cole, James Emery Cole, Joe H
Cole, Leroy Cole, Thomas S Coley, Wade H Coliman, George A Collier, James Leroy
Collins, William E Colprit, Philip Sprague Colter, Thomas Archbold Comant, Louis Jr F Combs, Carl Eugene
Conaty, Bernard J Conda, Albert Ridge Cone, Richard Henricks Coniglio, Felix P Conley, Charles Been
Conlon, James J Conlon, John Jr Leo Connell, Fowler Williams Connelly, Howard Murray Conner, Thomas N
Conner, Victor Kalman Conniff, Francis Xavier Conrad, Leonard Hilton Converse, Albert Jr Converse, Theodore Ashley
Conway, Jack P Conway, Patrick Joseph Cook, Albert William Cook, Dwight Orville Cook, Jesse Woodrow
Cook, John S Cooner, Fred High Cooney, Thomas Patrick Cooper, John Jr William Copechal, Walter William
Corbeille, George William Cordasco, Jerry William Corley, Wesley Corning, Herbert Dexter Cornish, Raymond "J"
Corriveau, Robert Raymond Cortez, Carlos M Cosgrove, William N Costa, John Marion Cotchefer, Gordon H
Cotton, Bernie Cotton, Paul Alfred Couchon, John Patrick Coulombe, Roger D Coulter, Maxwell Jr Grant
Countryman, Lee C Coursey, John Joseph Coursey, Ralph A Courtney, Deward Belmont Courtney, Robert Ellis
Courtright, James Webber Cousino, Donald Russell Couture, Robert Oscar Coviello, James J Cowgill, Paul Stigler
Cox, Cecil E Cox, Herbert Jr Lee Cox, John Jr Roy Cox, Marvin Anson Coxe, Edward Francis
Coyne, Richard Joseph Coyte, Frank B Craft, Louis Robert Cramer, Charles Samuel Crane, Herbert Aretas
Crawford, Alonzo Jr Richmond Crawford, Stanley L Crawford, Wayne C Creghton, James S Crenshaw, Harold M
Crockett, Hildreth Cronk, Richard Lamar Crosson, James R Croto, Leonard Laurence Crowe, Thomas Kenneth
Crowell, John Raymond Cruse, Jean Leon Culver, Morris F Cummings, Billy M Cummings, Daniel Evert
Cummings, William K Cunnare, Francis H Cunningham, Edwin Albert Cunningham, Kenneth James Cunningham, Peter J
Cunningham, W D Curley, Edward E Curran, John Michael Curwick, Paul Anthony Cutting, Francis E
Cylek, Edward T Cypert, Donald Cyr, Aldo J Czarnecki, Edward T Dabaghian, John Robert
Dacus, Harold Washington Daigle, Edmund Joseph Dailey, Albert Martin Dailly, Earl Phillip Daire, James Patrick
Dakis, Nicholas Stephen Dale, Robert M Dalton, Edward Francis Dalton, Guy Frederick Daly, J T
Damone, Peter Frank Danchuk, Peter Daniel, Glenn Watkins Daniel, John Melvin Daniels, Robert L
Danner, William J Darkis, John H Darst, Russell Jr P Daugherty, Wallace Marion Davidson, Paul Alex
Davidson, Robert Wilson Davidson, Walter B. Davis, Ben Davis, Carl W Davis, David Ralph
Davis, George Lee Davis, James E Davis, John W L Davis, Samuel Jr. M Davis, William Jr Henry
Davis, Willie Jr Daw, Harry Joseph Dawn, Clarence C Day, Alfred Jr Paul Day, Arthur Harold
Day, Clarence Gene Day, Clyde W Day, Warren Roland Day, Wilbur Allen Dayhoff, Delbert W
Dean, John Philip Dearwester, Charles Edward DeBerry, Mark Jr Suitor DeBetta, George J DeBiase, John Joseph
Defedele, Pasco Defina, Frank DeGain, Donald Peter Deitsch, Albert DeKay, Jean Edward
Delaney, Adrian J Delcamp, Raymond Wilson Dell, Raymond Earl Demazure, Armand Louis Demer, Walter J
Demers, Louis John Demers, Roland C Denbow, Maurice Delemers Dennehy, Francis Xavier Devers, Kenneth A
DeVico, Alphonso Joseph Dial, Charles D Diamond, James Frederick Diamond, Merlin E DiAngelis, Anthony Carmine
Diaz, Fortino Dichard, Charles Joseph Dickason, Samuel Roy Didonato, Francis J Diederichsen, Robert Gordon
Diedrich, Charles Edward Diers, Walter Adolph Difenderfer, Harry Jr Herr Digiannantonio, Edmond P Dike, Robert Norris
Dillard, Reuben H Dilles, Theodore John Dilorenzo, Nicholas Anthony DiMarzo, Andrea Robert Dimeo, Frank Angelo
Dings, Raymond Harvey Dininio, Albert G Dinius, Albert William DiSalvo, Frank Peter Disbrow, Thomas G
Dispensa, Paul Joseph Dittenber, Raymond Henry Dixon, Willie Lewis Dixson, Olice D Dohmann, Robert C
Dokken, Robert W Dolan, Russell James Dolesh, Philip John Domingue, Horace J Domsic, Thomas James
Donaldson, Tommie Marion Done, Alan Kimball Donelan, William Camille Donnelly, Edward Evans Donoghue, Charles Edward
Donoghue, James Henry Donohoe, Leonard Jr Bernard Donohue, Richard Dougan, Robert I Dougherty, Joseph R
Douglass, Noel B Dowd, Joseph Jr John Downing, Darwin William Dowson, James Little Doyle, Edward C
Doyle, Edward T Doyle, Raymond N Doyle, Richard C Doyle, Richard Elliot Drainer, Edward L
Drake, Clarence C Drake, Donald Winfield Drake, Kenneth Earl Drawson, Maynard Charles Dreer, Calvin Thomas
Drielick, Stephen Francis Driver, Lewis Drope, Clarence P Drouin, Charles Edward Drozdowski, C. L
Druin, Valmore Lawrence Drumm, John Clifford Duck, Billy Wade Duckworth, Donald R Duffy, Donald Joseph
Dugan, Theodore Jr Leonard Duggan, Thomas Raymond Dunlavey, Winston Curtis Dunn, George Howard Dunn, Orville R
Dunnam, Albert "F" Duren, Robert J Durfee, Edmund Jr Howard Durgin, James Franklin Durham, Kevin
Durrett, John Ellis Duryea, Robert C Dutiel, Harold Edgar Dwyer, James Jr Joseph Dyer, Fred I
Dyer, Harlis Melvin Dyer, James Franklin Dziemian, Edward Dzurek, Stephen Jr Early, Joseph R
Ebert, Arnold Winfred Eccarius, James J Eckdahl, Arnie Leonard Eckhart, Wayne Jr. Merle Eckl, James Wendlin
Ecklund, George R Edoins, Lloyd G Edwards, Wilbur E Egan, Bernard A Eggleston, Kenneth Harold
Eggleston, Raymond Robert Ehrenberg, Murray Leon Eikleberry, Lawrence Paul Eisele, Harold Robert Elkins, James T
Elkins, Leon Ellenberger, Bert Jr William Ellengerger, Thomas William Ellerby, William T Elliott, Alfred John
Elliott, Billy Ray Elliott, Virgil Henry Ellison, Robert Lee Elmore, Doyle Edwin Elsberry, Thomas E
Elwood, Arthur T Elwood, Dale V Emery, Robert Weeks Emhoff, Elvine Jaquish Emmons, J Jr R
Empson, Harold Endrzejewski, Frank Joseph Engelhardt, Paul Munson English, Carl Lorene Enstrom, Howard L
Erisman, Carl William Esnault, Jules Jr F Essenmacher, Alvin Earl Estabrook, Arthur Merrill Etheridge, Alvin Floyd
Evans, Harold Edward Evans, Hyman Evans, John Evans, Owen Jr. H Evarts, Harold Jr C
Everett, George Floyd Everson, Bruce Earl Eye, Robert T Fahey, Bert Matthew Fahy, Richard Jr. J
Failer, Stephen Jr John Fair, Cloyd Laverne Faircloth, Jack Faircloth, Robert A Falcey, Earl A
Falchini, Orvis Anthony Falcon, Glynn P Fanning, Bruce D Fanning, Francis T Faria, Hermes Pavao
Farkas, John Farmer, Harold Lloyd Farrow, Robert W Farry, John III L Farthing, Ray Maynard
Fassett, Clayton C Faulhaser, John A Faulk, William Herman Faupel, Harvey Earl Fazio, Joseph Anthony
Fazzi, Louis Chester Feeley, Patrick W Feeney, John J Feick, Ralph T Feld, Bernard Jr Rudolph
Felegy, Philip J Feleski, John Joseph Fellmeth, Edwin A Feltz, Norman Emil Fenters, Oliver H
Ferguson, Charles Philips Fermil, Servillano Fern, Donald Arthur Ferneding, Thomas C Ferrante, Dominic
Ferrentelli, Peter Fialeiewicz, Alexander A Ficarra, Frank Owen Fiddy, William J Field, Wells L
Fields, Robert Eugene Filipski, Benjamin Edward Finck, Russell Vincent Findlay, David John Finke, Francis Joseph
Finkle, Gerald Cecil Finnerty, James Thomas Finnerty, William Joseph Fiore, Anthony Joseph Fiorentino, Andrew
Firth, Edward C Fisette, Benoit Paul Fisher, Ernest William Fisher, James T Fisher, Raymond Jr Daniel
Fisher, Warren Kenneth Fisher, William Joseph Fitz, Russell A Fitzpatrick, Edmund Stephen Flamion, Roger Marcel
Flanagan, Robert Henry Flath, William Oscar Fleetwood, Charles Edward Flejzor, Edward Micheal Fleming, Harry Dean
Fleming, Ronald John Flenker, John Edward Fletcher, George Emery Flint, William Preston Flisher, Kenneth William
Flohre, Herman E Flora, Paul Eugene Flora, Robert Lane Florence, Douglas Halen Florence, Leon Rayburn
Flores, Henry Florien, George F Florio, Louis Joseph Floroplus, William Nickolas Flowers, Edwin M
Flowers, Elton Earnist Floyd, Atma Jr Bert Flynn, James Patrick Flynn, John Francis Flynn, Rodney Stuart
Fogel, Irving Fogerty, Robert Harry Foley, Daniel Charles Foley, Gail Junior Foley, John Francis
Folino, Nicholas Robert Fonte, Peter Joseph Foote, Arthur William Footit, Robert D Forbes, George Leander
Forbes, William Henry Force, Joseph Morris Ford, Bob Joe Ford, Guy Raymond Ford, Roy M
Ford, William Jr Pettis Fordyce, Charles Burton Foreman, Edward Earl Foret, Clebert Paul Fork, William C
Forley, Carl M Forman, Vernon Lee Forrester, Ray D Forrester, Willard John Fort, Roger Clarence
Forte, Arthur Remo Fortune, Clifford E Foschia, Jacob Harry Foscone, Dominic Foss, Charles Rudolph
Foster, Clifford Wayne Foster, Clifford Jr S Foster, Louis Joseph Foster, Robert Peabody Foster, Selby Harrison
Foster, Van Ernest Fox, James Joseph Fox, James William Fraher, Harry John Francalangia, Louis M
France, Robert C Francescone, Albert Francoise, Nicholas R Frank, Melvin Franklin, Ronald G
Franklin, William JR Everett Fratantuono, Angelo Anthony Frazier, George H Frazier, Paul Alfred Frazier, William L
Fredrickson, Donald Roger Fredrizzi, Elmo Vernon Freeland, Earle Jr C Freeman, Alex Charles Freeman, Bobby D
Freeman, Edward Joseph Freimark, Robert Matthew French, Ralph Jr B Fresoni, Gaetano Emilio Frey, Edward Sr. Phillip
Fricke, August Henry Friday, Robert Henry Frink, John LeRoy Frizzell, Benjamin Earl Froncillo, Joseph
Fryberger, L. E Fuchsius, Henry Charles Fugate, Samuel Lee Fuhrmeister, Joseph Fuller, Chester A
Fuller, John Henry Fuqua, Thurman Miles Furley, Arthur Edward Fusz, Frank Joseph Gabler, Joseph Patrick
Gacik, Valentine Anthony Gage, William Louis Gaghan, Francis Joseph Gagnon, Armond Joseph Gaidis, Stanley John
Gainer, Ray Irwin Gaines, Denzel Gajda, Lawrence G Galbreath, Jasper Franklin Gale, Howard Rodney
Galeziowski, Harry Joseph Gallagher, Edwin S Gallaway, Joseph Allen Galloway, Charles Pillans Galloway, William G
Galpin, Robert Sailor Galster, John Christ Galvin, Richard Sears Gamber, Ellis G Gamble, Vernon D
Gamel, Pat E Gamez, Ralph Chavira Gamsu, Gerald Robert Gano, Alfred Dubois Garatie, Thomas Joseph
Garbarino, Albert Alexander Garcia, Antonio Jr Garcia, Raymond Joseph Garden, Adonis Gardinier, Charles Clark
Gardner, Clyde William Gardner, Ren Willard Gardner, Robert M Garfinkel, Philip Garner, Sidney Jr
Garrett, Morris Edgar Garripoli, Carmine Thomas Garrison, Edwin Merrial Garven, Alfred Jr Richard Garverick, Dwight Ludwig
Garvey, Norman Franklin Garvin, Bernard Carol Gasparino, Lawrence Joseph Gatcomb, Caroll Jr Nelson Gates, Bruce Lynn
Gates, Kenneth L Gatlin, Roy Jr Edward Gauvin, Norman Joseph Gavin, Thomas Leo Gay, Edwin E
Gay, Joseph V Gaydon, Harold G Gebert, Harold David Geenens, Henry Peter Gehman, Nevin Kelly
Geist, Joseph August Gencarelli, Natale Louis Geng, Donald James Genter, William Joseph George, Ralph Sydney
Gephart, Jacob Jr. J Geremia, Mathew Angelo Geroy, Francis Orin Gershowitz, Martin Morris Giambra, Baigio J
Giamella, Thomas Giammittorio, G M Gibbs, William Richard Giberson, William H Gibson, Fred Vern
Giddings, Robert John Giddings, Robert James Giguere, Raymond Joseph Gilbert, Gene F Gilbert, Louis
Gilbertson, Earl G Gilley, Charles Edgar Gillian, Doyle Donnell Gilmartin, Charles Christopher Giofre, Dominic Joseph
Girard, Donald L Giroir, Leonie Jacob Gjerswold, James Edward Glad, Ralph Earl Glade, Earl D
Glasscock, Ralph Gleason, Denzel I Gleaton, Edward S Glennon, Edward Robert Glessner, Gene Franklin
Glombouski, Frank Bernard Glover, Allen Dale Gneiding, Richard Raymond Goad, James Henry Gober, Charles P
Goddard, David Jr. Wesley Godfrey, Eagle E Godin, Robert F Godwin, Orville Ova Godwin, William Jr Francis
Goedecke, Robert Herman Goesle, Robert F Goggin, Richard Xavier Gokin, William Jr Alexander Goldberg, Milton
Golden, Arless A Goldstein, Julian Calvin Goldstein, Stanley Gomez, Louis Gondolini, Mario Bartholomew
Good, Adron "A" Good, Richard Calvin Goode, Ira Thomas Goodman, Hobart Goodman, Paul Findley
Goodrich, Forrest B Goodson, Thomas H Goodwin, Thomas William Goolsby, Thomas Jr Gordon, Frank MIchael
Gordon, James C Gore, David Austin Gore, Howard Leroy Gorman, Richard Thomas Gorsline, Frederick Russell
Gourley, Carl Gove, Frank Riesen Gradick, Estil G Graf, Alfred E Graf, Vernon John
Graham, Earl Luverne Graham, Melvin Gerard Graham, Robert B Graham, William T Grainger, William R
Granger, George Lee Granneman, C E Gratiot, Marvin Richard Gravelle, Walter Carey Gravely, George William
Graves, Clarence Eugene Graves, Donald Osborn Graveson, James Freeman Grebe, Harold Robert Greedy, Robert C
Green, Bobby Eugene Green, Ernest A Green, Reginald Green, Sidney Pershing Greene, Frederick Wilson
Greene, John III N Greenwood, Robert E Greenwood, Virgil Jackson Greer, Thomas Greeson, "J" "B"
Greg, Earl Ray Gregg, John Paul Gregorski, Albert P Gregory, John Joseph Griffin, Burral R
Griffin, Donald Gene Griffin, Gilbert Charles Griffin, Maurice Jr. S Griffiths, Donald E Griffore, Richard L
Grigsby, Sylvester Grimes, Robert A Grimshaw, John Jr. Edward Groody, Thomas J Gross, William Edward
Grossman, Milton Grossman, Morton K Grove, Fred Abram Grove, George Allen Groves, Jack W
Groves, Robert W Grundy, William Smith Grutzmacher, Charles E Grzeczka, James L Guerrero, Jesus T
Guesnier, Joseph Willard Guido, Peter J Guidos, Richard Leon Guiney, Gerald Timothy Gula, Micheal
Gulbierz, Albert Alfred Gullo, Luciano John Gundersen, Edward Gunderson, Gerald E Gunderson, Melvin
Gunther, Philip Carl Gurganus, Earl Joseph Gurrieri, Emanuel Anthony Gursky, Frederick Thomas Gurtner, Elmer Adam
Guthrie, Clarence R Guzman, Augusto Haas, George Ralph Haas, Robert Emile Haas, Robert George
Hacker, Howard August Hackert, Alfred Jr Reinhart Haddican, Marlow Eugene Hadley, Harry Hardall Hadlock, William E
Hafford, John Francis Hafner, John Lewis Hagblom, Carl Gustav Hagen, Donald Leonard Hager, Harry Ralph
Haight, William Charles Haines, John Denis Haka, Emil Hale, Andrew Percy Hale, Elmus L
Hale, Solon G Hall, Charles H Hall, Donal Lee Hall, Donnie Claren Hall, George Gilman
Hall, Hughlett Vernon Hall, John Willam Hall, Robert Jr Hall, Vernon Jack Hall, Walter D
Hall, William Scott Hallahan, Francis Thomas Hallcraft, Richard Birdbaud Hallman, James Verner Hambleton, Harvey Thomas
Hambley, Robin Gordon Hamel, Norman Oscar Hamer, Roland Emil Hames, Marvin M Hamilton, Albert James
Hamilton, George Jr Hamilton, Jesse Louis Hamilton, John William Hamler, Lawrence Arnold Hamm, Henry Todd
Hammer, Kenneth V Hammerquist, Raynold David Hammock, Ernest Fern Hamrick, Joe Hancock, William Wilson
Hand, Herbert W Hanen, Max LeVerne Haney, Carrel Haney, James Anston Hankins, Jacob Ray
Hanley, Lewis John Hanlon, Paul Francis Hanlon, Robert John Hansen, Donald Henry Hansen, Louis Vinston
Hansen, Paul W Hansen, Richard Otto Hansen, Roy Gordon Hanson, Clayton Eugene Hanson, Harlan Burton
Hanson, Ralph M Hapanovich, Frank Happy, James R Harbin, Samie Ledelle Hardcastle, William Henry
Harder, Benjamin "P" Hardin, Samuel Milton Harding, Keith Harold Harding, Wallace Wellington Hardman, Eugene Earl
Hardy, Earl C Hardy, Paul Ellsworth Harer, William II Lloyd Hargraves, Gordon Roy Harker, Everett Clarence
Harker, James Dale Harl, Eben Jesse Harman, Roy Jr. Hillard Harmon, Milton D Harned, Ralph Jr. Edward
Harner, Weston Lyle Harper, Ernest Jr. Whitman Harre, Robert John Harrel, Melburn Dean Harrell, John P
Harrell, Royce Verdun Harrington, John Russell Harris, Augustus Harris, Cecil B Harris, Charles Paul
Harris, Henry Harris, Howard Phillip Harris, Jack Gordon Harris, John Jr Francis Harris, Larrence
Harris, Leo Jr William Harris, Robert Charles Harris, Rolland Keith Harris, Walter Kenneth Harrison, "O" "D"
Harrison, John Allen Harsh, Leroy Martin Harshman, Harry Ernest Harsma, Donald Anthony Hart, Edwin Leroy
Hart, Howard Malcom Hart, Leo Francis Hart, Palmer L Hart, Richard Reginald Hart, Samuel S
Hartman, Carl Vincent Hartman, George E Hartman, Glen Hartman, John Albert Hartman, Meredith Behney
Hartmann, William Joseph Hartney, Martin Floyd Harvey, James Richard Harvey, Joseph Kenneth Harwood, Jesse Phillip
Hasha, George "D" Hassell, Leonhardt James Hassett, James Jr J Hassing, Cletus Maynard Hatch, Harry C
Hatchner, Leonard L Hauf, Ray Carl Haugland, Clinton Roger Hausler, Irving Charles Havlovic, Cyril
Hawker, Don Gaylen Hawkins, Garland B Hawkins, Harold Joseph Hawkins, William A Hawks, Paul H
Haworth, Jackie Milford Hay, Howard Junier Hay, Roy Edward Hayden, Leslie A Hayer, Robert E
Hayes, John Francis Hayes, Lyle Porter Hays, Ralph Everette Hazell, Stanley Thomas Hazen, Joseph T
Heady, Charles W Heal, Richard Maurice Healey, James Joseph Heath, Charles Lee Heath, Edwin Robert
Heath, Harry Jr. Prescott Heath, Richard James Hebert, Theodore Heeter, Daniel W Hefftner, John Louis
Heidl, Robert Otis Heilman, Richard P Heimann, Benjamin Edwin Heintz, Robert E Heise, Ray L
Helbing, Frederick George Helie, John Edward Heller, Karl Francis Helmer, Mason James Hemberger, Bruce Gordon
Hembrough, Ralph Francis Henault, Joseph E Henderson, Alfred Lee Henderson, Gerard William Henderson, Louis Jr.
Henderson, Thomas Edward Hendon, Verlen Eugene Hendrickson, Francis Hendrickson, John Jr. Walls Henkin, Albert
Henney, Richard Paul Henriques, Harold Joseph Henry, Richard Lee Henson, Amos Joseph Henson, Robert John
Herbert, Francis H Herbert, Frank Jr. Brodie Hermes, John Peter Hernschall, Ernest Heron, Joseph Frank
Herrera, William Arthur Herrmann, George G Herron, Elbert Norman Hershey, Vern Simon Herzberg, Arthur Arlie
Heseley, James Peder Heth, Donald James Hewitt, John William Heyer, Clarence Fredrick Hickey, Ned Lawrence
Hickey, Thomas Francis Higdem, Ervin Thomar Higgins, Charles W Higgins, Frank Alden Hildreth, Cecil Loy
Hildreth, Harold D Hill, Marshall Allen Hills, Ira Andrew Hiltz, Angus Lorraine Hines, Donald Francis
Hines, Joseph Arthur Hines, Macio Hipp, Jacob E Hirst, Rene Alex Hixson, Clyde
Hlavac, Bernard Michael Hoar, Frederick Jr Lewis Hoban, Marvin Francis Hobelman, Joseph Martin Hochstaetter, Harry Milton
Hockman, Arthur Francis Hodge, Francis Louis Hoeschen, James L Hoffman, Robert Hogan, William Clifford
Holcomb, John Thomas Rex Holden, Carl Jr F Holder, Dennis W Holford, James John Holland, Robert Everett
Holliday, Eugene Leroy Hollinger, J Jr F Hollis, Frederick Andrew Hollister, Robert William Hollowell, John H
Holmes, Charles P Holmes, Jacob Jr. Claude Holmes, Joseph Leroy Holmes, Norman Troy Holmes, Robert Everett
Holt, William Harold Holtman, Cifford Holup, Andrew Charles Hooker, Argie L Hooper, John M
Hopkins, Arthur E Hopkins, John E Hopkins, Richard Hoppe, Donald Newton Hoppe, Westley James
Hopperton, Harry Wayne Hopwood, Raymond William Horgan, Thomas James Horn, James J Hough, Thomas E
Howard, Burney Elmer Howard, Herbert J Howard, Menifee Howard, Robert J Howard, William Jr. Garrett
Howell, James Eshmanel Hoy, John R Hoyle, Arthur Junior Hoyt, Donald E Hoyt, Freeman Arthur
Hribal, George Jr. Huband, James Jr Edward Hubbard, John M Hubbard, John Richard Hubbart, Earl Eugene
Hubbs, Frederick M Huber, Leonard Herbert Huber, Richard Eugene Hubert, Charles E Huckins, Edmund J
Hudak, Micheal Joseph Huddleston, Edward Miller Hudson, Joseph C Huff, Eldrid Earl Hughes, Daniel Harrison
Hughes, Edward Marcial Hughes, Edward A Hughes, Frank Willis Hughes, Harrel Dean Hughes, Robert Francis
Hughes, Stephen Jr Badger Hughson, Robert Francis Hull, Orville Dexter Hulsey, Franklin Griggs Hungerpiller, Vance Caywood
Hunt, Fred Albert Hunt, Wylie G Hunter, Clyde B Hunton, Robert Sylvestus Hunziker, Daniel J
Huppe, Robert Paul Hurley, James Wilson Husted, James Berton Hutchins, Harold Elton Hutchinson, Peter Ordway
Hutson, Clarence Walter Hutton, Ivan Sebastian Iarocci, Joseph Alphonse Ilconich, Joseph George Imperiale, Elias R
Ireland, Edgar Hugh Irwin, Albert Gareth Irwin, Robert Lee Isaacs, Everett R Isaacson, Onni Emil
Israelian, Charles H. Itzkowitz, Arthur Iverson, Donald Julius Ives, Earl Lester Izatt, Jack Edward
Izzo, Peter Richard Jackiewicz, Arthur M Jackoski, Walter Jackowitz, Jack Jackson, Chester Raymond
Jackson, Clark Edward Jackson, Erle L Jackson, Harry M Jackson, James Jackson, John Joseph
Jackson, Ralph Jr A Jackson, Robert Gail Jackson, Ruben Jacobskind, Edward James, Edward Andrew
James, Frederick J James, Robert F Jandin, Elliott Olbeen Jansen, James C Jarosz, Edward A
Jarrell, James Manuel Jeanson, Lawrence George Jeffas, Corneilius Francis Jeglikowski, John A Jenkins, Calvin Anderson
Jenkins, Ephriam E Jenkins, Louis W Jenks, Orvin C Jennings, Charles W Jenrette, Claxton L
Jensen, Burton C Joe, Rufus Johansky, John Peter Johnson, Carl G Johnson, Charlie Jr.
Johnson, Elgin Clinton Johnson, Francis W Johnson, Fritz Bertel Johnson, Jack Albert Johnson, James H
Johnson, John Vernon Johnson, Johnny Johnson, Joseph Jr. Howard Johnson, Kenneth G Johnson, Leo Clarence
Johnson, William Sydney Johnson, Williard Johnston, James Joseph Johnston, William L Johnston, William A
Johnstone, Robert Bernard Jones, Andrew J Jones, Billy O Jones, Charles Edward Jones, Charles Jr Loyd
Jones, Clifford Ross Jones, David V Jones, Elbert Jones, Homer Hudnall Jones, Jerry L
Jones, Jeter Edward Jones, Leo Jones, Ralph Jr. Edmund Jones, Robert James Jones, Stanley Warren
Jones, Steven Edward Jones, William J Jordan, Jack Wendell Jordan, Thomas Lee Jorgensen, Leroy S
Joseph, Anthony Joseph, Willard B Joubert, Lee Laurence Joy, George Thomas Joyal, Richard Emile
Judson, Robert M Juliano, Joseph Jumper, Winslow Saylor Junta, Sam Ross Justice, James Jr C
Kalaczynski, J. P Kalagian, John Edward Kalajian, Kirkor Andy Kalan, John Stanley Kaminsky, Leonard Francis
Kampe, Bruce F Kane, Thomas Edward Kangas, Reino Ossian Kantrowitz, Seymour Nathaniel Kaplan, Sol
Katsky, William Jr Francis Katura, Herbert K Katzwinkel, Harry Bernard Kauffman, Park Dean Kaufman, Kenneth R
Kaupp, Carl Bernhart Kavalaskia, G. S. Kavanaugh, Austin Sylvester Kealm, Edward C Kearns, John Joseph
Keck, Abner Jr Watson Keck, Charles Roy Keck, Edmund Edward Keebler, Charles D Keegan, Albert V
Keenan, Francis Edwin Keeton, Charles Edgar Keith, Gerald Glinn Keith, Wallace Vernon Keller, Albert Wayne
Keller, Henry R Keller, Peter Alexander Kelley, James Eugene Kellman, Morris R Kelly, Eugene Aloysius
Kelly, Stanhope Anthony Kelly, Stephen Justin Kelly, Thomas Michael Kelly, Thomas A Kelly, Walter Jr.
Kelly, William Leon Kelm, Robert Henry Keltie, Ralph Ross Kemmerlin, Harry W Kemmerlin, Michael Jr George
Kemmerlin, Walter W Kemp, Delbert Leroy Kemp, William James Kendall, Raymond De Forrest Kennedy, Joseph Francis
Kennedy, Thomas J Kennerly, Lewis G Kenney, John J Kenney, Patrick E Kenter, Kay Jules
Kepp, Regis William Kerrigan, William Jr F Kerwat, Walter Fred Kerwood, Karl Kenneth Kessing, Aurthur A
Key, Augusta Lee Keyes, John Robert Kiblinger, E. L Kidd, Joxe W Kiefer, Joseph Earl
Kiefer, Noal George Kielbania, Henry Stanley Kieskowski, Edward T Kimble, Eddie Thomas Kinderling, W J
Kindle, William C King, Donald Gerard King, Dunbar Sr King, Earle W King, James Henry
King, James Clay King, Roland Bedford Kinzel, Robert H Kinzer, Harold Franklin Kirby, Earl "T"
Kirk, Amos Fiffer Kirkland, Joseph Sylvester Kiroff, Stephen G Kirtley, Othar Lee Kissane, Joseph William
Kitchin, Claude R Kittchner, Franklin Richard Kitter, Howard B Klancir, Joseph Kleene, Robert Franklin
Klein, Harold Earl Klein, John William Kleinertz, Max William Kleist, Melvin Wilford Klingberg, Herman Jr G
Klinkhammer, E. A Knapik, Joseph John Knappenderger, F J Knauss, Donald E Kniess, Howard E
Knight, James B Knight, Robert Westford Knighton, William Cyrus Knox, Robert Alvin Koch, Leroy Ernest
Koffler, Alfred S Koger, Everett Jr L Kohl, Adrys Wesley Kohl, Paul John Kolcz, Theodore Paul
Koller, Walter Jacob Komperda, Edmund John Koons, Luther William Koons, William F Kopp, Frank Joseph
Kornya, Ernest Edward Korsak, Stanley P Koscielny, Paul Sylvester Kott, Richard Marvin Kotvis, Peter
Kovac, Ernest F Kozminski, John M Kraus, Otto Krause, Stanley J Kravens, Albert Paul
Kravitz, Mike Kromquist, Gilbert Henry Krueger, W Jr. F Krupczyski, Thedius William Krupnik, Bernard
Kruse, Anthony Bernard Krysczak, Lewis Frank Kubicek, Donald Daryl Kuhne, Frederick Kulakoski, Frank William
Kulesa, Bernard Stanley Kuntz, Robert G Kunze, Richard Jr. Adelbert Kvidahl, Reinert O Kwasnik, Edward John
Labadie, Jean Lacey, Eugene Patrick Lafauci, S. Jr J LaFerreire, Edward Thomas LaFontaine, Ernest Albert
LaFountaine, Harold Lloyd LaFramboise, Joseph Peter Lafranchi, Wilfred V Laing, Kirk Donald Laird, William Paul
LaJoie, Maurice Joseph Lake, Henry Sampson Laman, Charles Jr Edward Lamarr, Roland David Lamb, George Murphy
Lambert, Charles Thomas Joseph Lambert, Donald Lawrence Lambert, Roger George Lamprey, Russel Alfred Lamuth, Tony
Lance, Harold F Lance, John Michael Lance, Robert Louis Land, Buford Land, Legette
Land, Moses Benjamin Landree, Donald Roy Landry, Joseph Ubald Langholtz, Isac Langley, Bruce Boyce
Langley, Marvin High Langlois, Joseph Louis Lankford, Buril Gordon Lankiewicz, Waslaw Michael Lantz, Clifford Stacy
Lantz, Lewis Hartman Lapointe, Raymond L LaPrise, Clement Delmore Lark, Jack Laroche, Robert Wilfred
LaRocque, Roland Agenard Larosa, Joseph S Larsen, Frank S Larsen, John Peter Larsen, William D
Larsson, Robert D Lasane, Harold Latimer, William H Laughlin, William Francis Lauridsen, Warren H
Laurie, Walter Duncan Lautsch, Ernest Jacob Lautsch, Ervin George LaValle, Claude George Lavallee, Frank Archie
Lavallee, Norman William Lawrence, Ventura Lawrence, Zi Thoughfield Lawson, James Bruce Lawson, James Hoggret
Lawson, Ralph Edward Lawson, Thomas Jinnings Layman, Frederick Bryan Leach, Joseph Earl Leader, Henry George
Lecorgne, A Jr N Lee, Henry Yin Lee, Herman L Lee, Thomas Wendell Leek, Leonard
Lefavour, Robert Ernest Legarie, Leo Oliver Lehman, Walter R Leighton, Robert Gough Leishman, Russell W
Lemieux, Paul Melville Leon, Sam Leroy, Robert Eugene Lester, Eule H Lester, Wallace Bryant
Lett, Augustus David Leverick, Norman Bernard Lewandowski, Edward John Lewis, Byron Edward Lewis, Charles Edward
Lewis, Charles Jr Ivey Lewis, Clyde H Lewis, Donald M Lewis, Landis Lewis, Richard
Leyva, Pete Jr F Liddell, Maurice Scott Liebl, Fred Martin Liederman, Seymour S Lien, Calvin Leroy
Lightfoot, Leroy Lightner, John W Liguori, Frank Lilly, Roy Jr. Lineberry, Clyde Haywood
Lint, William Frederick Lisi, Nicholas D Little, Frederick Richard Little, Ralph Nicholas Livingston, Donald Stewart
Livingston, John Thomas Logan, Walter W Logreco, Daniel Loiseau, Henry Joseph Long, Brock Leland
Long, Charles William Long, Robert Jr Lee Lopez, Manuel Jr. Lougee, Robert Amon Love, William Steele
Lovejoy, Frank H Loven, Robert Erol Lowe, Hubert Lower, Richard Taylor Lowman, Robert C
Lowry, William Armond Lozada, Ralph J Lozier, George Arthur Lucas, Joseph J Lucci, First
Lucier, R O Lucius, James Arthur Lufkin, Ronald Karl Lundquist, George Edwin Lunskis, Stanley Joseph
Lynch, George B Lynch, Leroy Jr. Lynch, William Edward Lyons, Charles Edward Macamaux, Richard Adelard
Macapaeg, Francisco Macbain, Merle MacConnell, Eugene Jr Pairo Mace, Walter George Macesic, Michael Miller
MacGregor, Willard George Mack, Stephen Thomas Mackenzie, D Jr J Macmillan, Kenneth Walter Madden, Johnnie Clyde
Madden, Timothy Joseph Madison, Glenn Anthony Madison, Marion A Madison, Morris Loyd Madison, William Jennings
Magee, David Maurice Mahar, Robert Francis Maher, Joseph Fallon Main, Harold Augustine Major, Charles W
Maki, William Richard Malacynski, C. Malin, Urho Ulrikki Mallette, James Burton Maloney, Raymond Joseph
Malovich, John Joseph Mancinelli, Anthony James Mangum, Andy C Manion, Joseph Thomas Mansolillo, Anthony
Manzi, Frank Anthony Mappin, Donald Herbert Marbury, Dan Julius Marchant, Donald Everest Marchant, Wilfred Paul
Marchesano, Albert M Marcoux, Normand Napoleon Marker, Whittlesey W Marksheffel, Donald Albert Marlatt, Clarence S
Marquardt, George A Marquez, Arthur John Marquez, Robert Nicholas Marquis, Richard Marsh, Harrison G
Marshall, Alfred Richard Marshall, Theodore Frank Martello, Rocco Guy Martin, Edward McCain Martin, Fay Emmett
Martin, John Joseph Martin, Leon Steven Martin, Paul William Martin, Roland Lucien Martin, Stephen A
Martindale, Dan Antone Martineau, Gerard Allen Martinelli, Giuseppe Martinez, Benjamin Jr Martinez, Elias
Martinez, Joe Ramon Martsole, Donald L Marx, Irving R Maslo, Theodore John Mason, Veral
Massengale, Harold J Matarazzo, Vincent William Mathes, Russell Mathews, Gus Peter Mathias, Robert Martin
Mathwig, Albert William Matlock, John Ashby Matthis, Clarence Ross Matthis, Elbert L Mattingly, Joseph Thomas
Mauer, Conrad Maurer, Dalbert Kenneth Maurer, John Anthony Maurer, Russell Roy Mautz, Wilbur Julius
Maxey, William Frank Maxson, Richard Maynard Maxwell, John Leroy May, Eugene Russell May, Roland W
Mayer, George Edward Mayeux, Tommy Mayfield, Kenneth D Mayfield, Roy Denzell Mayhew, Francis Jr Earl
Maynard, Robert Woodrow Mayo, Lawrence Joseph Mayorchak, Frank Harry Mays, Julius Ray Mazerat, Andrew Jr Sidney
Mcafoos, Henry Maxwell McAllister, William Bearl McArthur, Earl Jr. N McCall, William Arthur McCallum, Henry Jr Norman
McCandless, Gerard D McCane, Cloyd Eugene McCarthy, Charles J McCarthy, James Anthony McCarthy, Williard Joseph
McCay, Warren McCelland, Robert Edward McClain, Robert Ransel McClellan, Earl W McClelland, Curtis Grey
McClelland, Leroy McClincy, Milford Jr L McCollum, Herbert Alexander McCommons, Paul Jr L McCormick, Patrick Joseph
McCormick, Spencer D McCowan, Cleve Jr McCully, Francis Charles McDevitt, Robert Ferguson McDevitt, Roland J
McDonald, Don Erwin McDonald, Milton Clifford McDonnell, A Jr. J McElfish, Robert Eugene McElligott, Richard H
McEnery, Douglas W McEuin, Johnny William McGauley, Richard B McGee, Richard A McGetrick, Gerald Vincent
McGill, Hugh Robert McGonagle, George Francis McGown, Drew Nethery McGrath, James Michael McGrath, Stephen Michael
McGuire, Joseph Victor McGuire, Patrick Richard McHenry, James Albert McKalson, Bruce M McKay, Roy Howard
McKeown, Joseph P McKibern, Herbert McKinzie, Van E McLain, Gordon Oscar McLeroy, Lavon Melton
McManus, Robert Patrick McMillan, John Daniel McNamar, Roy Elmer McNamara, Alfred Theodore McNamara, Bernard Joseph
McNamara, John James McNeil, Francis Vincent McQuone, Howard August McWhorter, Reggie Orval McWilliams, John J
Mead, Robert Francis Meaders, Edward W Meara, William R Meason, Karl H Medeiros, Americo C
Medlock, Wilmer A Medola, Bernard Gilbert Mee, John Jr H Meek, Teddy Curtis Meeks, Wilburn L
Mehegan, William James Meier, Donald James Melson, Walter Francis Melville, James Beyek Meng, George Jr Walter
Mengel, Arnold S Menzies, Robert Jr Meola, John Theodore Mercante, John J Mercer, John Andy
Merrick, James D Merritt, Earl Livingston Meyer, Ernest Hagadorn Meyer, Robert Adams Meyerson, Howard
Michalek, Joseph Leonard Michel, Jack Pierson Mick, Raymond Middlemore, Thomas Jr James Middleton, Truman Louis
Midyett, James Clayton Mihalik, George L Mihoin, Joseph N Mikell, Thomas James Mikenas, Walter M
Milan, Meno Domanick Miller, "R" "G" Miller, Bernard Kay Miller, Charles W Miller, Claude Vincent
Miller, Donald Evert Miller, Edmond M Miller, Everett Clyde Miller, George Jr Samuel Miller, Harold Lee
Miller, John Freeman Miller, Johnnie William Miller, Joseph Miller, Keith Carlton Miller, Ronald Leeman
Miller, Rowland Humphrey Miller, William D Millett, Frederick Richard Mills, Robert Jr T Mills, Samuel Jr Clarence
Milner, Stanley T Miltner, Edward J Mina, Peter Joseph Minor, Loya M Mira, Anthony J
Mitchell, Alvin M Mitchell, Arthur Edwin Mitchell, Arval Dean Mitchell, Clayton Mitchell, Francis Robert
Mitchell, George Edward Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, Joseph Alexander Mitchell, Roy R Mitchik, John
Mitze, Irwin G Moeller, William A Moga, Emil J Mohamed, Hussein Mohlenbrink, Gale D
Molaghan, Philip Joseph Molden, Kenneth W Moll, James Francis Monaghan, James Patrick Monaghan, John Jr M
Monat, Raymond G Monnat, William O Moody, Robert A Moody, Wilburn Max Moomaw, Clifford Ray
Moore, Cletus Magee Moore, Francis L Moore, Glyn M Moore, Hubert H Moore, Paul Jr Warner
Moore, Robert Edwin Moran, John Francis Morawski, Boleslaus E Morehead, William "E" Morgan, Allan William
Morgan, Cecil Morgan, Edward James Morgan, Frederick L Morgan, Lester A Morin, Joseph Ernest
Morrell, Luke S Morris, Thomas Mason Morrison, Charles Thomas Morrison, James W Morton, Charles F
Mosley, Franklin E Mott, William Elmer Moysenko, Edward F Mrzlok, James Joseph Mundy, Herman Aeston
Munoz, John Delores Murphy, Clarence Francis Murphy, Clayton R Murphy, Eugene T Murphy, James J
Murphy, James L Murphy, John J Murphy, John J Murphy, Robert W Murray, Thomas P
Mutzel, Robert Louis Myers, Henry Alvin Myers, James William Nagle, Roy Jr Williams Nance, James Tisdale
Napier, Charles Nash, Robert Ellsworth Nash, William Oscar Naske, David Edward Naslund, Walemar Erick
Neal, Louis Neidig, Micheal J Nelson, Anthony Nelson, Charles M Nelson, Ervin Russell
Nelson, Joseph Harold Nelson, Leonard Frederick Nelson, Leroy N Nelson, Nels Andrew Nelson, Norman Clare
Nelson, Robert Alvin Nelson, Roy Clifford Nelson, Stanley J Nelson, Walter Albert Nemec, Carl William
Nesbit, William P Newman, Charles Ferdinand Nichols, Elon Nicholson, James Edward Nicholson, Ralph McC.
Nicini, Anthony A Nicinski, Thaddeus John Nickel, Harry Joseph Nicoll, John Joseph Nielsen, Jack Albert
Nierenberg, David E Nigg, Herbert Gerhard Nigg, Robert Felix Nikkel, Cleo Earl Nipper, Morris
Niven, Robert Lester Nixon, William Junier Noble, James Arthur Noble, William Henry Nobles, Willie Trotman
Noel, Sterling Edision Nolan, Malachai J Noone, Andrew Joseph Nordbo, Marvin T Nordloff, Arthur William
Nordstrom, Raymond Earnest Norris, Alfrone Norris, Howard Edgar Norton, Luther J Norwood, Douglas Crosby
Notebloom, Thomas Novak, Michael Joseph Nunes, Roney Rogers Nunnelee, James D Nurkiewicz, Chester Edward
Nyland, Jack Herman O'Brien, William J O'Bryan, Thomas W O'Donnell, Edward Alfred O'Donnell, George Blethen
O'Donnell, James Thomas O'Donnell, Paul Bernard O'Donnell, Richard J O'Donnell, Stephen Jermone O'Halloran, Richard F
O'Hern, Leo Patrick O'Malley, Terrence Patrick O'Mary, Roman Venson O'Neil, William Edward O'Neill, John
O'Quinn, James Philip O'Rourke, Hugh D O'Toole, Francis Joseph Obenchain, Charles Edward Obensmain, Willis L
Ochendowski, John R Oden, John H Odom, Roy Leon Jr. Oliver, Edward A Oliver, Ellwood C
Oliver, James Dudley Oliver, Robert P Olsen, Arthur Alvin Olsen, Norman Charles Olson, John Calmer
Olson, Robert A Olson, Robert O Ondis, George Opalek, Vincent Paul Opperman, Willis H
Ordeneaux, G C L Ormond, LLoyd Ormond, Rudolph G Ormsby, Leroy Jr M Orofino, Allassendro
Orr, Morris Orrico, Fred Grace Osborne, Joseph Matthew Oster, Bernard Paul Ostrowski, Edward Stanley
Ott, Francis J Owens, Robert Roy Pack, Otto Padham, Reginald Winfield Pagano, Joseph
Page, Gerald Fenton Palermo, Anselmo Arthur Paliani, Joseph Louis Palma, James Francis Palmer, Everett Benton
Palmer, Oley Raymond Pancake, Philip Raymond Paolucci, Joseph Mario Paone, Joseph Pappas, Zaharia Albert
Papula, Stephen John Paradis, Leonard Gerard Parent, Edmund Louis Parenteau, Louis J Parenteau, Paul Emile
Parisi, Ernest Francis Parisi, Patsy Anthony Parker, Eugene Russell Parker, Leslie Edward Parkin, Glenn H
Parks, Calvin John Parks, Harold Frank Parr, William Jr Henry Parrish, William Howard Parsons, Andrew Joseph
Parsons, Melvin R Pasarich, Frank Albert Pascarella, Peter J Pascoe, Robert Pastor, Flaviano
Patrick, Joseph Jerome Patson, Paul Patten, Henry Benjamin Patten, John G Patten, Richard Harlan
Patterson, James (none) Patterson, Jessie W Patterson, Stanley Allen Payne, David Lewis Payne, Eugene Edward
Payne, Harry Morse Payne, James Francis Payne, Malcolm Lewis Pearl, George Raymond Pearsall, Robert Vincent
Pearson, Oscar Benk Peaslee, Francis Martin Peck, William H Peckage, Joel Peckham, Lewis Everett
Pederson, Orvin K Pedneault, Leo Alphie Peebles, Jerome Robert Peek, Mickey Dale Peele, Jobie
Pekkinen, William Sten Pelczar, Stanley Adolph Pelletier, Joseph Armand Pelley, Norman Sinclair Pennetti, Albert
Pento, Joseph James Peperato, Carl John Perchell, O. C Percz, Godfrey A Perdue, Arthur Ulysses
Perito, John Francis Perkins, Robert S Perlingiero, Joseph Perreault, Irenee Raymond Perry, Beryl Jr Morton
Perry, James C Persons, James E Peters, Nicholas Peterson, Donald Percy Peterson, James Keith
Petitti, Mario Frank Petri, Glen T Petrich, Peter C Petruzzellis, Philip Petruzzi, Micheal Joseph
Pfeifer, Joseph Henry Pfeiffer, Arthur Pfister, Robert Henry Phelan, Elmo P Phelps, Paul Jr
Philbrick, Richard Ely Philippi, Richard F Phillips, Bayard J Phillips, Gordon Scott Phillips, Howard K
Phillips, Robert Jr Luster Phillips, Roland Leslie Phillips, Wiley Philpot, James E Pichler, Harvey J
Piekin, Walter Henry Pieper, George W Pierro, Frank Pietkiewicz, Paul Edmund Pilger, Theodore Arthur
Pinelli, John R Pinkham, Vernon W Pisciotti, Michael Frank Pitchard, William Raymond Pittman, James E
Pitts, George Edward Plank, William Gladson Plante, Herve William Plante, William Osias Plastoris, George
Plishka, Nicholas Pluck, George Edward Plunkett, Mack Arthur Podmore, George Paul Poirier, Richard Douglas
Polackwich, Joseph Jr John Poling, Cecil Downing Pollack, John Jr Pollara, Vincent Pollard, Claud Arthur
Pollard, Everett Vernon Pollard, Richard LeRoy Pollard, William Henry Pomoranski, Thomas Albert Pomponio, Rocco Joseph
Pomykacz, Michael Poole, Arthur Mc Ewan Poole, George William Porter, Doyle E Porter, Milton Leon
Post, Donald Brant Post, George Julius Potts, Harold Monroe Potvin, Kenneth R Powell, James W
Powell, Lucian C Powers, Richard Francis Pranzo, James Pratt, Jack Albert Premo, Walter Preston
Prenderville, Harold Wendle Presse, Hugh Ross Prestia, Salvatore Joseph Price, Charles Richard Price, Vernon E
Priest, Lloyd Leroy Prinsen, Eugene Lester Priolo, Vincent Anthony Pritchard, Edgar Paul Pritchard, Norman Erving
Progen, Richard Pross, William Jr H Prosser, Jackie Puckett, Willie Jr Puddister, Stephen Thomas
Pugh, Warren Moore Pulaski, Joseph Stephen Pulvermacher, Leo Joseph Pupka, Raymond Robert Putman, Jack Norris
Pye, Charles Francis Pyles, Lyman J Queirolo, Louis John Quell, Charles Jr Cortland Quigley, Jacob Wilson
Raab, William Arthur Rabinowitz, Louis Rabjohn, Sam D Raday, Michael R Radford, Harold Willis
Rady, Frank Paul Rafalowski, Arthur Henry Ragland, Maurice N Rahn, Calvin Francis Ramage, William George
Rambo, Jack Wesley Randall, C Jr Randall, Franklin Richard Randolph, Glenn C Ranslow, Norman Owen
Ransom, William F Raso, Michael Dominick Rausch, Henry Jr J Rauseo, Rocco Ray, George W
Ray, Ralph Stiner Ray, Robert Gaskell Raymond, Glenn Howard Raymond, John B Rebuck, Andrew
Rector, Robert Jr Pendleton Redeaux, Paul Arthur Reed, Bobby Willard Reed, Charles E Reed, Norris Russell
Reed, Paul R Reed, William Harrison Reeder, Robert E Reel, Floyd H Rees, Charles S
Reese, Billy G Regan, Edward Caufield Reich, Jack Warren Reid, Edward F Reid, James
Reider, Leo Alois Reif, Lyle Trustin Reilly, James Thomas Reis, Joseph Lawrence Renacker, George Jr Arnold
Renaldo, James Jr V Renninger, George Wilson Renz, Cyril Raymond Reufenacht, Robert L Reuther, R III L
Reverman, L. F Revis, Ernest Jr Herbert Reyner, Robert B Reynolds, J W Reynolds, Nelson Jr Eugene
Reynolds, Wesley E Rhinehart, Clarence L Rhoden, Vollie Leo Rice, Leroy Eugene Rice, Lewis W
Rice, Richard R Rich, Grover Eugene Richard, Alfred Joseph Richard, Lester D Richards, Armond Albert
Richards, Buford Jr Richards, John Jr Richards, Kenneth L Richards, Robert C Richards, Sigmund Edmund
Richards, Vernon G Richardson, Albert Joseph Richardson, Eugene Richey, Mahlon Eugene Ricigaliano, James
Riesgo, Ernest Gill Rieve, Roland Riffle, Robert P Rigdon, Fred W Riggs, Lester Harold
Rigler, George Lawrence Riley, Lewellyn John Riley, Robert Forrest Rindone, Raymond Ringhofer, Robert Donald
Rings, James William Rinker, Grattan Gayatana Risch, William Herman Ritter, Arthur Charles H Rivard, Ronald Joseph
Roark, John M Robb, Clarence Joseph Robert, Edward E Roberto, Anthony Roberts, Donald Keith
Roberts, Joe "A" Roberts, Leon Richard Roberts, Robert Sr. E.L. Roberts, Roland Wilfred Roberts, Roy Lee
Robertson, Alva Loren Robertson, George F Robertson, Harold E Robinson, Fred Larry Robinson, Frederick A
Robinson, Joseph B Rodman, William IV B Rodrigues, Alfred Andrew Rogers, George Curtis Roketia, Frank O
Roling, Frank "B" Roma, Vernon J Romano, Santaro Antonio Roncone, Claude E Roppel, Alton Y
Roseman, James C Rosen, Ray Morris Rosendaul, Gerald Arden Roshon, Garth Lamar Rossiter, Raymond Jr James
Rossman, Harold Arthur Rothgerber, Robert Allen Rouleau, Valmore Bertrand Roun, James Harrison Rousseau, Frank Jr Calvin
Roussel, Armand Joseph Rowe, Ned P Rowland, Arthur James Rowley, Donald Joseph Royer, John James
Rudisill, Ross W Ruggiero, Michael Rumola, Nicholas J Runyan, Clevis Paul Rushing, Wyatt
Rusnak, John Joseph Russell, Clarence Arthur Russell, Willard M Russo, Ralph Albert Rutherford, James Parker
Ruths, Carl Joseph Rutkowski, Chester Stanley Ryan, Albert F Ryan, Clyde Issac Sablan, Frank Flores
Sabourian, Edward Saggerson, George Joseph Sahr, James Doudes Saindon, Andre Raymond Saindon, Rodolphe Gerard
Sakry, Sylvester Daniel Salazar, Roberto Sallade, Richard Donald Salmon, Michael Joseph Salvagno, Alfred
Samartano, Carlos Benjamin Sanborn, Colby George Sanders, Kenneth Waldo Sanderson, Edward Clinton Sandman, Emil Joseph
Sanks, John Randolph Sanner, Chris Jr Ernest Sansone, Salvatore John Santeroleri, Robert L Santos, Antonio Julien
Sapp, Junius E Sattler, Frederick A Saunders, Walter S Savoie, William John Sawyer, Edward Lawrence
Sawyer, William B.H. Sayles, John James Scalissi, G. Scaltro, Anthony Charles Schad, John M
Schaefer, William Herbert Scharff, Walter Harold Scheuer, William F Schidlo, Charles John Schiewe, Wesley Anthony
Schiros, Peter Edward Schlehr, David Lawrence Schmidt, Otto Edgar Schmitt, Vincent J Schmitzer, Steve Jr
Schneider, Louis Jr Schneider, Owen C Schock, Robert August Schodowski, Walter Daniel Schoeffler, Henry Ernest
Schultz, Lawrence C Schulz, Frederick H Schulz, Ranald J Schwartzburger, C. G Scialla, Louis Jr
Scioscia, Andrew Scott, Curtis Edward Scott, James Burnett Scott, William O Scroggins, William III H
Scruggs, Robert D Secora, Tyler Joseph Seely, Alvin Tilman Sehlin, Arthur Lennie Sellars, James Jr M
Sellers, Richard Melvin Sellock, George R Seltzer, William Julius Seppi, Edward Francis Sermak, Michael John
Sessums, Earl Allen Setree, James Edward Sexton, John Joseph Shafer, Neil Shea, John
Sheely, Robert Charles Sheidler, Robert H Sheltren, Walter A Sheppard, Arthur William Sheppard, Gene L
Sherk, Warren Sherman, Maxwell Shields, Allan Daniel Shields, Roy Howard Shirley, Richard A
Shores, Marion Ray Short, Russell Robert Shuff, Gale Edward Shumate, Baylous C Shurin, Joseph
Shurtleff, Kenneth L Sias, Donald Lee Siegmund, Ernst H Sienkiewicz, Frank George Sienkiewicz, George Gregory
Sigler, Walter Allen Sikes, Arthur Neil Siler, Orville P Simboli, Albert Joseph Simoneau, Marcel Adelard
Simpson, Charles W Simpson, Frederick M Simpson, Grant R Simpson, John B Simpson, John George
Sinor, Roy William Siranian, Mitchell Sirrine, William Travis Siry, Robert Edward Siversen, Edward William
Sizemore, Thomas Paul Skalski, Charles Skarbouski, Stanley George Skelly, Walter Francis Skinner, Henry Earl
Skoczylas, Joseph Stanley Slabas, Frank M Slatunas, William John Sleeman, John Slick, Harold Joseph
Sloan, Don Adams Slutter, Calvin Coolidge Small, Edward Frank Smead, Harold Raymond Smigel, Edward Thomas
Smith, Allan Reed Smith, Arden Raymond Smith, Arthur E Smith, Arthur Leroy Smith, Clarence Edward
Smith, Clarence Jr Joe Smith, Clifford Dale Smith, Corneilus Albert Smith, Curtis Cranford Smith, Edward J
Smith, George W Smith, Gerald Paxton Smith, Harold Edward Smith, Henry William Smith, Isadore Jr
Smith, James Hayden Smith, Kenneth Allen Smith, Lawyer V Smith, Lloyd Laverne Smith, Mert Jr Frank
Smith, Milton Jr Edward Smith, Richard B Smith, Sidney L Smith, Sidney T Smith, William H
Smith, Willis George Smoot, Wayne M Snetro, Anthony Lewis Snow, Paul Clifton Snyder, Jack R
Snyder, Orville L Soares, Paul P Sobral, Albertino Sokach, William Sokolowski, Joseph Anthony
Soler, John Pompilio Soley, Harry Solomita, Nicholas Basil Solomon, Roy Soltesz, Albert
Soto, Barnard Mathew Sousa, Arthur J South, Jack Allen Southard, Harry James Souza, Richard Joseph
Sovero, Vincent Spadaro, Salvatore Spainmower, George D Spangler, John Jackson Sparkman, Edgar E
Spaur, Gerald Winston Spears, Clarence E Speed, Andrew Lee Speers, David S Spence, Raymond F
Spencer, Richard G Spicciatie, John J Spidle, Frederic Eugene Spiek, Donald R Spiewak, Felix Stephen
Spivack, Irwin Ira Spooner, Edward S Spooner, Robert Cole Spotts, Melvin T Spring, Jess
Spuhler, Harry F Squires, Arthur Kenneth St. Cyr, Francis B St. Lawrent, Henry Jr August Stack, Robert Joseph
Stacy, Kenneth Jr. Stafford, George Staler, Glenard Wayne Stallard, Kenneth Edward Stamp, Edwin Warren
Stamp, Leonard John Standafer, Stephen D Stanford, Dan Moody Stanford, Robert F Staniscavage, Joseph
Stanley, Robert F Staples, Chester Henry Starck, Robert Stater, Wayne Jr. Jay Stauffer, Eden Kenneth Krause
Stefanowicz, Stanley Joseph Stefanski, Edward Joseph Steimle, Earl Jay Stein, Charles E Steinbrunner, William Louis
Stempien, John Joseph Stemple, Walter A Stenberg, Lawrence A Stephens, Fred John Stevens, Floyd Raymond
Stevens, Harry Dale Stevens, Joseph Patrick Stevens, Stanford L Stewart, Glenn M Stewart, Kenneth W
Stewart, Marvin John Stewart, Robert Vincent Stewart, Thomas Inches Stiffler, William Herbert Stiles, Kenneth E
Stimeling, Robert Bruce Stine, Emmett Jr Wildy Stingley, Robert W Stinson, James E Stoehr, Melton Foster
Stoll, Henry Stoner, Kenneth E Stonewall, Donald Chester Storey, Walton T Storion, George
Storms, James Stottier, Russell Clinton Stout, Jack Arnold Strange, James Clifton Strauss, William Henry
Strickland, Comer B Strickland, Ralph Richard Stroupe, Melvin Jr Benjamin Strozyk, Chester S Struck, Elmer V
Stuart, John Mcl Studenski, Joseph Frank Stultz, Kenneth J Sturak, John Sturtevant, Lester Adams
Stypula, Michael Joseph Sudul, Joseph William Sujdak, Frank Richard Sullivan, Charles Joseph Sullivan, Donald F
Sullivan, Donald Richard Sullivan, Henry Edward Sullivan, Richard Eugene Sullivan, Ronald F Sullivan, Thomas Francis
Sullivan, William Edward Summer, Sidney E Summerville, Dewie Preston Summerville, Robert Dean Sumpter, Johnny Jr
Sutter, Leonard Earl Suvino, Joseph Frank Swain, Edward Swallow, Lewis Ellery Swalwell, Jesse Merle
Swanson, Edwin Bernard Swanson, John Arnold Sweeney, Daniel John Sweeney, Robert L Sweet, George H
Swenson, Ernest A Swett, Paul Vickery Swindler, John Jr Henry Syat, Maurice Sylvester, Francis William
Symington, Lloyd Szabo, Andrew Szpunar, Edward Steven Szwedo, Anthony Casmier Szymanski, Joseph Jerome
Szymanski, Waclaw R Tacconi, Angelo A Tallmar, Willard G Tanashian, Leo Tarvin, William Edward
Tate, James D Tate, Paul Richard Tatman, Clarence Edwin Tavares, Edward Costa Taylor, Bob Leo
Taylor, Merrill Eugene Taylor, Oscar Hurot Taylor, Robert Edward Taylor, Thomas Quirk Teachman, Harold R
Teer, Robert Jr E L Telgenhoff, L. M Tenuto, Patsy John Terhaar, Jay Dennis Tharpe, Melvin B
Theriault, Wilfred Henry Armand Thibeault, George Albert Thibodeaux, David C Thomas, "R" "C" Thomas, Harold Frederick
Thomas, Lester D Thompson, Edward W Thompson, Eugene O Thompson, James C Thompson, Kenneth Edward
Thompson, Milford C Thompson, Wilbert L Thompson, William Rolland Thorp, Ira Eugene Thrasher, Harold Mortimer
Thudeau, Robert M Thurber, Clifford W Ticknor, Robert L Tillinghast, Charles Jr. F Tinman, Frederick Thomas
Tino, Richard Vincent Tisony, Bernard Titt, Robert L Titus, Leo Vaughn Tobin, John Joseph
Todd, Benjamin Clayton Toland, Milton Tolley, Carl Leroy Tomkus, Edward James Topham, John Edward
Topper, James R Tosheff, Boleslaus B Tottress, Elvert Colbey Tougas, Roland Joseph Towalski, Harry Richard
Towler, Edsel Wayne Townsend, Jessie O Trace, Paul Kenneth Trail, John Robbins Trait, John Jr Constantine
Trato, Albert Campaigne Travers, Albert Jr M Travis, Wilfred R Traynor, Joseph Charles Treantafilos, C.G.
Trevillyan, Arthur N Trink, Henry Anthony Trippensee, Arthur R Trueax, Clyde Jr P Trunillo, George Noverto
Truskolaski, Stanley C Trussa, John Jr Tryon, Charles Edwin Tucci, Lorenzo Tucker, George W
Tuckey, Wallace W Tupper, G E Turchinetz, John Turcotte, Gabriel R Turner, Albert Nathaniel
Turner, George E Turner, Leslie Jr Nathan Turnquist, Stanley Lawrence Turpin, Monroe S Tustin, George Edward
Tuttle, Alfonso Twarowski, Stanley E Tweedy, Wilbern Twomey, Michael Francis Ugolik, Zygmont
Uknavage, Joe Jr Umphrey, Clyde D Underwood, William L Unkle, William W Upshall, Frank A
Urbaniak, Adolph Frank Urick, Albert Urquhart, Nelson Angus Vaillancourt, Omer Joseph Valentine, Paul H
Valliere, George Albert Vanasse, Raymond Fred Vandal, Ronald A Vandegeest, Arie Vandergriff, J R
VanEaton, Harvey Jamieson Vanessen, Raymond J VanSandt, Everett Hale VanYoung, John Jr L Vargas, Carlos A
Varley, Edward James Varnado, William Velazquez, Herman M Velykis, Alphonse Anthony Vento, Joseph Anthony
Vergaro, Ferdinando Vergas, Nicholas Denis Verna, Edward C Verra, John Joseph Vest, Raman Otis
Vickers, James Walter Vickers, William M Viera, Bernard Francis Vigneault, Paul Arthur Vila, Anthony Jr
Viland, Ernest Eugene Villanova, Sam A Vincuilla, Philip P Visconte, David Michael Voelker, Percy D
Voelzke, Richard V Vollenweider, William Frederick Voltz, Kenneth Ray Voss, Merlin Thomas Waddy, Elwart
Wade, Floyd "T" "R" Wade, Glenn Jackson Wade, Luther T Wagner, Robert James Wainz, John C
Wakelin, Blanchard Walba, Milton Waldie, Kenneth E Walker, Donald Neil Walker, John Wesley
Walker, John Walker, Wilbert Charles Walker, William Jr Bailey Walkup, George Onesonic Wallace, Donald E
Wallace, Lawrence H Wallace, Lowell D Walls, Ernest Walpole, Cyril F Walsh, Albert Francis
Walsh, John Joseph Walsh, Peter J Walsh, Vincent Edward Walters, Le Roy Jr Godley Walton, George Henry
Waniak, Samuel Waning, Bernard Albert Ward, Hugh Sherwood Ward, Patrick J Ward, Russell L
Ward, Wallace E Warden, Vergil Lewis Warenime, Paul S Warf, Boeston Everett Warner, George Julian
Warner, John Richard Waser, Harold Ralph Washburn, Jewel Olen Wasilewski, Francis Charles Wassberg, Albert Theodore
Wasserman, Wallace Waterbury, John R Watkins, Henry Arthur Watkins, Marshall Lynch Watkins, Robert L
Watson, James S Waugh, Ralph E Weare, Roger Jr Sherman Weaver, Albert Earl Weaver, Clarence Leonard
Webb, George Wilbur Webber, Robert S Webster, George Weeks, Glendon O Wegman, Robert Charles
Weikert, Edward Farrell Weimer, William Gisuque Weisinger, Elmer W Weiss, Robert Kenneth Weissberg, Louis
Weisskopf, Daniel Phillip Welch, Austin Jr. Leo Welch, Eugene Howard Welch, Sidney Tate Weld, Howard Roy
Welling, Loren Dawn Wells, Jay B wells, Raymond E Welychko, Walter Welzer, Alexander Joseph
Wenisch, Werner John Wennerberg, Evert Frederick Wentworth, Raymond L Weseley, Henry Patrick Wesson, Leo William
West, Robert Anderson Westberg, Harry W Westerlind, Richard Frederick Westerlind, Robert Francis Westerman, Harold Bruno
Westerman, William A Westerson, Stanley William Westfall, Leon Burr Westley, Earl Kenneth Weternik, Paul Jr
Wetmore, Allison Kirkwood Wetmore, Clifford Jr Douglas Weysinski, George F Wheat, Leo Peter Wheeler, Harry R
Whitaker, Joseph Jr W White, Donald Lee White, Douglas Dare White, George R White, Harold Edward
White, Joseph L White, Robert L White, Robert Berry White, Robert Joseph White, Shirley Allen
White, Thomas J Whitefield, Ray J Whitehead, Albert Jr Whitehill, William G Whitfield, James Clarenon
Whitmer, Donald Noel Whitt, Haren Hiron Whitt, Harod Garrett Wickberg, Ralph H Wickstrom, C C
Widdows, Wilbert Leisure Wiegand, Dean M Wiehagen, Robert Joseph Wieseman, Carroll W Wiesmann, Raymond Carl
Wilcox, Benjamin Franklin Wilcox, Homer G Wilcox, John P Wilhelm, Don R Wilhelmsen, Ivar
Wilkinson, Harold Herbert Will, Harold Eugene Willard, Dwight W Williams, David Lloyd Williams, Ellsworth William
Williams, Frederick F Williams, Glenn Edwin Williams, Harry Donald Williams, Ivey E Williams, Jay Lee
Williams, Joseph Williams, Perry John Williams, Raymond Sydney Williams, Russell Perry Williamson, Thomas Ross
Willis, Vernon Loe Willmade, Orville Griffith Willmon, James W Willmore, Thomas jr F Wilsie, Fay E
Wilson, Charles E Wilson, Darol Lamorden Wilson, George T Wilson, George D Wilson, Harry Earl
Wilson, Henry Graham Wilson, Herman P Wilson, Ira Eugene Wilson, James Henry Wilson, Wesley M
Winfrey, Clyde C Wingfield, John C Winney, Walter E Winter, Robert M Winzenried, M Jr E
Wiscomb, Kenneth Roy Wisniansky, Norman Francis Witzel, Samuel Wixon, Edward Sherman Wojtaszek, Chester Ludwig
Wojtowicz, Leon John Wolff, Raymond H Wollschlager, Paul Frederick Wood, Chester Allen Wood, Henry P
Wood, Jack Donald Wood, James William Wood, John Truett Wood, Lowell Dee Wood, Robert Emil
Wood, Robert Van E Woodard, Warren Woods, James Leonard Woodward, John Milton Woodyard, Alvin William
Woolrich, Fredrerick Jr A Worthington, J Jr. W Wright, Robert Julius Wright, Thomas J Wright, William E
Wubben, Charles Jr Westley Wyman, John L Wyse, David Jr Yanni, Joseph Henry Yates, Cecil M
Yoino, Bernard Robert Yost, Richard Wesley Young, Clarence L Young, Edward Charles Young, Jack l
Young, Jack Jr H Younger, John P Youngman, Robert Keith Yovich, Charles Joseph Zalenski, Joseph Stanley
Zampitte, James Vincent Zanoli, Angelo L Zellers, Chester O Zeman, Oren Zeoli, Nicholas Thomas
Zeroni, John Zezza, Nunzio Ziegelmann, William Albert Ziglinski, Chester Zilkey, Arnold Theodore
Zimmerman, Phillip King Zimmers, Robert M Zollo, Albert Vincent Zook, Lester Eugene Zullo, Vincent R
Zvanelich, John S